Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Department Rules No Wage Replacement When No Wages are Earned Prior to TTD Period

If an injured worker has not earned any wages at all during the weeks preceding a period of total disability, then unless the failure to earn wages was the result of an injury-related consequence rather than a personal choice, in most cases no benefits will be due. Duffy v. Sisler Builders, Op. No. 20-13WC (August 28, 2013), (citing See, e.g., Bacon v. Gerald E. Morrissey, Inc., Opinion No. 32-11WC (October 12, 2011); Giacobbe v. Verizon, Opinion No. 72-05WC (December 30, 2005); Knoff v. Joe Knoff Illuminating, Opinion No. 39-05WC (July 12, 2005); see also, Plante v. State of Vermont Agency of Transportation, Opinion No. 19-13WC (August 22, 2013) (applying same analysis to compensation rate computation for successive period of disability); Griggs v. New Generation Communications, Opinion No. 30-10WC (October 1, 2010) (same)). There are exceptions as noted in Machia v. Comet Confectionary, Op. No, 32-07WC (December 4, 2007).
The Duffy decision can be found at the Department of Labor Website: